Dr. Mead is off to learn more!
Goodbye Dr. Mead
To the wonderful clients of Pet Dental USA:
It is with great sadness that I am leaving my work as a doctor at Pet Dental USA. I have recently decided to pursue a veterinary residency position in Northern Colorado. Medical residencies in veterinary medicine are similar to those in the human field. A veterinary residency takes place in a hospital or clinic and provides in-depth training within a specific veterinary specialty. Typically, residencies last for three years. I will continue to further specialize in veterinary dentistry and oral surgery. My hope is to return to the Pet Dental family and provide even more specialized care to our patients. I have greatly enjoyed my work at Pet Dental but feel that this decision is in the best interest of both myself and my future patients that may require advanced oral surgery.

I am also beyond excited to announce the birth of my second child, Harley. She was welcomed on Thanksgiving by her older brother, Baker and her two fur sisters, Ruby and Uri. My fiancé Ryan and I are just so blessed to have two happy and healthy children.
I would like to thank you for your patience and cooperation with me over the years. Working with you and your pets at Pet Dental USA has been a wonderful and rewarding experience and I will surely miss seeing you and all of my patients on a regular basis. I have learned so much from the Pet Dental family, as we are all very close. I have the utmost respect for the owners, Brian and Dr. Jenni Redmon as I consider them both friends and mentors. Their business has brought a much needed service to the community. I stand behind the work and skilled practice of all of our doctors at Pet Dental, I would recommend any of them for the care of your pet. I worked alongside Dr. Jordan Cassidy and our wonderful Peoria team for three years and will miss all of them dearly. If you have any questions specifically for me, please feel free to call into the office at (623)-225-7508 and I will get in touch with you.
Yours sincerely,
Kerry M. Mead, DVM
Why specialize in Veterinary Dentistry and Oral Surgery?
Great question! Having a passion for veterinary dentistry and performing quality oral medicine and surgery has always been the standard at Pet Dental USA.
Many have asked why continue on to become boarded in Veterinary Dentistry and Oral Surgery if you are already performing the standard? My answer is simple, to be able to offer more for our patients. Although periodontal disease is the most prevalent condition seen in our domestic animals, the boundaries of veterinary dentistry go beyond comprehensive oral exams and treatment which is currently what Pet Dental USA is targeting.
Boarded veterinary dentists spend hundreds of hours accumulating case logs in disciplines such as endodontics, orthodontics, periodontal and oral surgery, prosthodontics, and oral medicine. They also contribute directly to continuing education for veterinarians and veterinary students. This is done by writing multiple peer-reviewed articles with the goal of publication in the Journal of Veterinary Dentistry or other well-received journals. Or by teaching dental wet labs or veterinary dental courses.
Most dentistry residency programs take approximately three years to complete. At the end of the three years, residents are invited to sit for a rigorous board examination that has gained a reputation for being one of the most difficult board examinations in the veterinary profession. There are two parts to the exam: a written portion and a practical examination. The practical portion of the exam is performed over 2 days and participants are asked to perform multiple procedures over all the disciplines noted while being graded, with time constraints.
Once I become a boarded veterinary dentist this will allow me to hopefully offer a wider array of advanced services to our Pet Dental patients who may want or need more specialized diagnostics and care.