Dental Health

    Our Blog

    Dental health is more than bad breath. Dental infection can spread to other areas of the body, create immune responses that can damage distant organs, and cause chronic pain and fatigue. Learn more below about the importance of dental health for your pets. 

    Dr. Mead is off to learn more!

    Dr. Mead is off to learn more!

    Goodbye Dr. MeadTo the wonderful clients of Pet Dental USA:It is with great sadness that I am leaving my work as a doctor at Pet Dental USA. I have recently decided to pursue a veterinary residency position in Northern Colorado. Medical residencies in veterinary...

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    K9 Tooth Extractions

    K9 Tooth Extractions

    Hi, meet Ranger!Ranger, an 8yr old Chihuahua mix, presented to Pet Dental with his owner Julie. Ranger was a rescue dog that had never previously had any dental care, and his new owners knew something was wrong because he had a horrific odor from his mouth and he...

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    Dental Health for Boxers

    Dental Health for Boxers

    Hi, meet Ginger! Ginger is a 3-year-old purebred boxer who came into Pet Dental for a dental cleaning. While in for her cleaning, Ginger had some extractions and received gingival trimming to help with conditions commonly seen in Boxers. Notoriously, boxers are known...

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